Monday, August 6, 2012

Visual Movement

I chose a painting by artist Katsushika Hokusai, to represent a visual movement. The painting is called "Two Small Fishing Boats at Sea" I chose this particular picture because the wave appears to be moving; making the painting look very realistic. I showed my five arrows to display how I saw the movement. the last arrow that points to the fishing boat in the distance is the most discrete, yet most interesting.

Scale and Proportion

To show an example of Scale and Proportion I did a painting by Ide Applebroog. The painting is called “Chronic Hollow” I chose this painting because it represents a clear balance. There are two proportional points I saw; which I labeled with the arrows.  The first arrow is facing vertically because I saw the balance of the picture from top to bottom. The next arrow is placed horizontally to show the proportion from one end to the other. Applebroog’s use of balance is very interesting; considering the complexity of the images. In one image I see a diamond who was immediately my focal point when I viewed this painting. On the side of the demon are two people struggling not to fall to what appears to be an underworld.


Contrast is defined by as "The state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in juxtaposition or close association." To show an example of contrast I did a painting by artist Pat Steir. The painting is called "P.S After Turner". I chose to do this picture because there is an obvious color contrast. One side of the picture is black and the other side is white. Both images appear to be the exact same. The artist's contrast puts more value on the painting because it portrays a different message. Personally, when I first viewed the painting I thought of a Good Vs. Evil theme.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Repetition/Rhythm are used by artist with the objective to unify different elements of their works. I chose to do a painting by artist Laylah Ali. The picture is called "B paintings (GreenHeads)" I chose to do this painting because the characters Ali drew are all unified. The characters also appear to be running in the same direction and making the same facial expression.

Focal Point

Emphasis is when there is more than one focal point  in work of art. I chose to do a piece of work by artist Larry Poons. The painting is called "Untitled # 2" I choose this picture because there is much going on. The first area that I am attracted to is the center of the picture. feel that Poons used the contrast method. I feel that the light is centered and bright. Another point that caught my attention was the dark part in the lower left corner

Asymmetrical Balance

Asymmetrical Balance is when a picture is balanced without the use of symmetry. For my example I chose to do a picture by Jan Vermeer. The picture is called "Young Woman with a Watter Pitcher". I found that the balance focal point was the water pitcher in the woman's hand. The pitcher is in almost perfect alignment with the chair. Below the pitcher is another balanced point. The balance is found underneath the center of the pitcher.